...And finally a surf!
We have been advised by NZ weather guru Bob McDavitt not too depart for Brisbane before 30 September, as the lows brewing Down Under over the next few days are to be avoided. In Brisbane right now they not only have strong winds, it is also coming from inland bringing so much dust that the visibility is very reduced. The cars need headlights even in the middle of the day. It is very uncomfortable to be out, the dust affects the breathing apparently. So we are happily hanging back here in New Caledonia.
Today we cruised from Isles des Pines around the southern tip of New Cal, which is a massive offshore fringing reef system surrounding a huge lagoon. We ended up having a fun surf in small waves on a perfect lefthand reef pass, we just stumbled upon it. Almost kept driving as it wasn't on my list of possibilities. On the other side of the pass is a massive old steel wreck from an old tanker or cargo ship, it should be visible on google earth. The wave is at 22deg55.942S, 166deg53.871E. It was small and low tide, a bit like the lefthander that Kahlil and Chantal surfed in Northern Fiji. But a perfect peeler, off shore on the trades, very exposed to the south swells. Should go off with just a hint of swell. We are now anchored near the wave, on a sandbank behind the reef. Bit exposed, but what the hell.
This outer reef system south of the main island in New Caledonia has been an eye opener, a myriad of reef passes, all offshore on the trades, all exposed to south swell. All too far from the island to get any local surfers at all. And get this: Some great anchorages behind a scattering of small uninhabited islands dotted along the inside of the lagoon, so no need to hack all the way back to the main island for a safe anchorage. Plus, the main island has a moderating effect on the wind, the trades rarely get strong. Makes for a great recipe for surf, don't you think? So much better than Fiji in this dept. I would like to spend a long time here.
Book your tickets my mateys, New Cal is the spot!
Will keep you updated,