Sunday, October 4, 2009


Day 6
3am local
60 miles from Brisbane
Yes, you read right, we only have 60 miles to go. Since my previous email 12 hrs ago we have done more than a 100 miles, setting a new 12 hr record for shimmi (110 miles). We will now definitely make it to Rivergate Marina early this afternoon with time to spare. Pheeew. But it has been a nerve wracking ride, white knuckles all the way, with shimmi broad reaching at close to 10 knots with a reefed main and jib. It was ROUGH. We considered turning with the weather a few times and just heading for Bundaberg, but that would add days to our trip, so we stuck it out. Now the wind is dropping and the sea state is improving, thank Huey. But even with no wind we will easy make it, and our last 24hrs will still be 200 miles plus, and that is straight line milage, our actual miles through the water will be heaps more. Technically speaking we are still on day 5 of our crossing until 12 noon. That means we are going to do Noumea to Brisbane (800 miles) in exactly 5 days, not bad if you consider that we did it going through a low. And sailing does not happen in a straight line either.
We are quite relieved that we don't have to anchor somewhere tonight. All 4 of us have come down with sore throats and snot noses.
But so what, we are almost on terra firma.
Good on ya me mateys